Mondsee wird erste Best Water Town
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In der Gemeinde Mondsee im schönen Salzkammergut zeigt BWT, was mit Trinkwasser alles möglich ist. Bei der Aktion „Best Water Town Mondsee“ sind alle Menschen eingeladen, das Magnesium mineralisierte Wasser von BWT an mehreren best.water-Stationen zu testen. Nebenbei leisten Sie dadurch einen bemerkenswerten Beitrag zur Reduktion von Plastikmüll. In Mondsee wurden bei allen BWT Wasserstationen durch unter anderem Ihren Beitrag die unterhalb angeführten Ergebnisse erreicht. Leisten Sie auch in Zukunft Ihren Beitrag und seien Sie Teil dieser Bewegung.
The city of Livigno has found its perfect partner for this endeavor in Europe´s leading water technology company. At BWT, we are convinced that water is the essence of life, growth, and progress. Driven by innovation, our main goal is to develop products and services with the most advanced technology in water treatment to ensure the best water quality worldwide. We are continuously dedicated to advancing existing technologies and turning innovative concepts into ground-breaking products, providing an experience that resonates with all your senses.
But that's – by far - not all. Our mission, encapsulated in 'For You and Planet Blue', signifies our commitment as a global company to operate sustainably and responsibly. We aim to address the unique needs of each individual while safeguarding our precious Planet Blue. Leveraging our expertise, we manage the Earth's finite water resources in alignment with nature. Protecting our planet for future generations is our responsibility, and we aspire to transform the current plastic planet back into a Planet Blue once again!
By joining forces, we can showcase our collective power to create a lasting impact on the world. Livigno stands as as inspiring example of what can be achieved when we all join forces. We strongly believe that this is the first of numerous future Best Water Towns that will redefine our relationship with the environment, paving the way for a more sustainable and optimistic future.
Guided by our shared philosophy and the commitment to “Change the World, Sip by Sip” we are navigating towards a better future. Together, we aim to advocate for an ethical and conscientious use of water resources. The urgency is clear – the time to act is NOW!
Embark on a journey of hydration excellence in Livigno. Explore 10 exclusive best.water stations throughout the town. Leveraging patented BWT technologies, we filter and enhance local water with essential minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and silicates. This ensures that everyone can enjoy healthy, local, best mineralized water by BWT while contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and CO2 emissions.Quench your thirst responsibly by refilling your reusable bottle at your convenience, fostering sustainability.
Don´t have a bottle? Get the exclusive BWT-Livigno Climate Bottle at Plaza Plachéda. The Municipality of Livigno and BWT are proud supporters of the "Best Water Town" initiative.
“We are dreaming of a world where everybody has access to safe and healthy drinking water. This mission drives us to develop worldwide leading technologies to make out of any locally available water – healthy, tasty, mineralized drinking water – without the need to produce and transport bottled water. A win-win solution for people and environment!“
Andreas Weißenbacher Founder & CEO BWT
Let’s Change the World, Sip by Sip . Embrace our mission, enjoy the best mineralized water, significantly cut down on single-use plastic, and shrink your carbon footprint. Be(come) a Changemaker, for You and Planet Blue.
Bestes Wasser in Ihrem Zuhause
Sie möchten das beste Trinkwasser auch in Ihren eigenen vier Wänden genießen und einen positiven Beitrag zur Plastikreduktion leisten? Finden Sie die optimale Trinkwasseraufbereitung für Ihr Zuhause.